Day 1/5 (Buy a bundle of any 5 Full day Classes @ 499 (free retakes))
Notes for 1st Session:
Group size is max 2.
Topics: Introduction to Python Foundations of programming:
Python built-in Data types Concept of mutability and theory of different Data structures Control flow statements: If, Elif and Else Definite and Indefinite loops: For and While loops Writing user-defined functions in Python Classes in Python Read and write Text and CSV files with python List comprehensions and Lambda. Classes and inheritance.
Print Hello World Azure Notebooks & Anaconda Book and Content Functions (Arguments and Return) Loops (For While) If else List/Dictionary
Nested Loops with if else List/Dictionary (JSON) Class Lambda Functions List Comprehension
File Handling Web Scraping Exception handling SQLite Python
Capstone Project for Github Portfolio
Matplotlib Numpy Pandas Scipy Python Lambdas Python Regular Expressions Collection of powerful, open-source, tools needed to analyze data and to conduct data science.
Working with jupyter anaconda notebooks pandas numpy matplotlib git and many other tools.
Reference Github:
Buy a bundle of any 5 Full day Classes @ 499 (free retakes)
Shivgan Joshi [email protected]
929 356 5046